This is a picture of our Grandson, Benjamin. When Mrs A. went toUtah at Christmastime, she took this picture at the airport when she was coming home.
Benjamin insisted on helping her with her luggage, so here he is with her carry-on.
The trust and innocence in those eyes almost revives my hope for mankind.
We all start out with such eyes, but over time they become jaded and untrusting.
Oh, to be able to see the world through those eyes again!
He is adorable. I can always use someone to haul my luggage. Do they rent him out?
T: Unfortunately the child labor laws interfere with my capitalistic tendancies. But I well imagine there are times when they would gladly loan him out for free.
Looks to me like he's running away from home, in Norman Rockwell sorta way.
Rick: He does have that running-away-to-join-the-circus look, doesn't he?
So many times I have said the same thing, if only...
that is one cute kid!
Denny: We need kids in our life to remind us of when the world was a bright and shiny thing and everything was a new experience.
Daphnewood: Who can look into those baby blues and not feell better about the world.
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