The steam train at Garibaldi.

This boat was incredible.

The "Depot" at Garibaldi

Mrs A working hard at ccontemplation.
Vacation was beautiful. We did everything we wanted to do, and then some.
The weather couldn't have been better, for the end of September. During the days it was in the 70's, and at night in the high 50's. Perfect weather for walking the beach, visiting the sights.
Of course, reality came around to bite us in the butt when we got home.
I woke up this morning to the sound of water dripping. Unfortunately it was dripping in our bedroom. Water was comming down on the frae of the window, following it around and under and dripping on the INSIDE of the window. I have lived in this house for 20 years, and this has never happened before.
We tried various schemes to block the water, but at the bottom line, it had to stop raining before we can seal or caulk to get it fixed. For now I put in a piece of flashing that diverts most of the water, but it is still dripping inside, so I put something in place to catch the water until I can caulk.
Welcome home!
That's just Seattle welcoming you home... ;-)
Michael: I wennt from late Summer to hard fall in one day. It was a long way down.
Reality sucks, I recommend the alternative.
Rick: Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Damn that reality... has to take all the fun out of it!
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