Which brings up the subject of poppies, of course.
My Grandma Wilson was a true lady of the South. She never swore. She allowed no alcohol in her house. She was a former teacher, and demanded proper English.
She loved flowers, and always had several varieties, including a beautiful yellow rose of Texas.
She had picked up various plants in her travels, including a nice red poppy.
Imagine her embarrasment when a representative of the DEA showed up at her doorstep to ask her why she was growing Opium Poppies in her flower garden. She had come across the poppy somewhere in her travels, and had brought it with her and planted it wherever she had lived.
Unfortunately it turned out to be the opium poppy. So they have Johnny Appleseed, but my family had Lola Poppy Seed. (Sorry Mom, I couldn't resist.)
OBTW, that is not an Opium Poppy.
But I do have seeds.
Now how in the hell would the DEA know what your Mom was growing? Unless, maybe, they were keeping tabs on her wayward son, hm-m-m-m-m?
Rick: You cast aspersions on my reputation!
Seeds, huh?
So THAT'S why you always seem so calm and laid back! Now we know why!!! ;)
A good friend of mine "accidentally" grew a crop of opium poppies too.
EW: Officials tend to get all pissy if they catch you at it.
Honest to Peanut, I have done a lot of things in my time but so far, opium hasn't been one of them.
At least, I haven't done it that I'm aware of....or would I even remembered if I had? Wait...wait...I'm confused....;)
PQ: Me neither, but every once in a while I get this urge: I wonder what it would be like to......
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