Here are a few picctures from our trip.
A blue herron feeding in the shallows of Bowman Bay

Bowman Bay

Mrs. A and I

Molly the Road Dog

A goldfinch that visiited our camp

The Airstream
OK, so I screwed up. On our first hike, I forgot the camera, and on the second I forgot the spare batteries, so the camera went dead before we got to the really good stuff.
Pouring rain, thunder and lightning, drizzle, a little sunshine, and a lot of time just by ourselves in the Airstream. It was a wonderful weekend.
The only negative was the speeding ticket I got on the way home.
Yeah, I know. Speeding in an RV. It's not like I was going to escape notice or anything. Big lumbering whale doing 15 over. I couldn't talk my way out of it, and the area is a known speed trap. What can I say. My head was still camping.
Kinda like welcome back to the real world.
Wish I was there, but the shock of coming back is still wearing off. Cops have no sense of serenity.
I'm surprised that thing will go fast enough to get a ticket! Sounds like you had a good time, just too short a trip!
Rick: And coming down here to cubicle monotony after the trip was awful hard.
Michael: It was 40 in a 25, but I did have it up to 70 once. Don't think I would want to go much faster than that.
You really hate to come home after a trip like that.
Yeah, Denny, I had a very hard time getting out of bed this morning to get off to work
pretty pictures sweetie... im glad you had a good time.. too bad the normal world has to slink back in eh?
EW: I went to work, but my head was still on vacation. I'm afraid I wasn't a very effective employee.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
nice pictures. It looks so peaceful. I could use a trip like that with no one around except nature. too bad the cop had to ruin it. will you be going out more now that you have the airstream?
Daphnewood: I plan to keep it gassed up and ready to go so we can get out of dodge on a moments notice. I need to fix a couple of things on it, but it is sitting in the driveway calling to me.....
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