Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Near and Deer

 Several years ago I plaanted a couple of espaliered five-in-one apple trees. That is when all the limbs are trned to grow along a single plane. If done properly the trees are amazing looking.

I got interested in doing this because we stopped at a Dairy Queen in Raymong, Wa., and along the northern property boundary were a series of espaliered junipers. I had never seen anything like it and it stuck in my brain.

When I was visiting a local nursery i came across these two five-in-one apple tree starts that had been espaldiered, so I had to have them.

It tkes several years to get appreciable results. This spring, the two trees were beginning to look really nice. They had formed a living fence. When in bloom it was pretty spectacular.

And then it wasn't

I live on the edge The Olympic National Forest. 100 yards to the south of my driveway there is a sign that says "PAVEMENT ENDS". The area is inhabited by bear, coyotes, cougar, eagles elk. And deer. Lots od deer.

I had installed an electric fence around the orchard. Three cherry trees, the two apple trees, a couple of hazel not trees. Five feet high. It seemed to be working until it didn't.

I came home from a trip and all thhe blossoms and most of the vegitation had been eaten by the deer. Man was I pissed.

So I now have built a deer fence around the two trees. Seven and a half feet tall. Maybe in a couple of years it will approach the level it was before deermagedon.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The end s near

I have been working on getting the propeerty line adjusted between us and our neighbors to the South for almost a year.

As a recap, when we had the property line sutveyed between the two properties, it turned out that the prior owner had drlled the well on the neighbors property. It has taken until now to reach the point where I am sure things will work out. I just hired a real estate attorney to write up the legal mumbo jumbo to register the property line adjustment with the county.

All I have to say is that the process is WAY to involved and expensive. But at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.