Friday, June 10, 2011

Still Here

I haven't been around much lately. Lots going on.
First is the fact that I am finally back on first shift, after nine months on second. I am due to be on first shift until the end of October. I am thinking of jumping ship to a different group before I am supposed to go back to second.I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens in the next few months.
I finally got the last of R's stuff moved out. I need to take some time and reorganize the basement. I also need to start cleaning up the library. I need to prune the dead stuff to make room for more books.
I need to get out and start getting the Westfalia ready for it's first camping trip the end of this month. First I need to get rid of a bunch of junk, then start figuring out EXACTLY what I will need for a couple of weeks on the road. It takes some time and planning.
It's all good.

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