Friday, October 23, 2020


 Our place is 3 1/2 acres, heavily wooded with jusr the area right around the house cleared. I have been slowly cutting down a few dead trees here and there. mostly they become firewood, although there was the one incredible Maple stump that was so incredible that I have been turning it into custom wood furniture.

My neighboe up the road has a little sawmill. He specializes in furniture grade dimensional lumber, fence buards and trim. He is well known enough that the local Home Depot sends people his was if they need more cedar than the store stocks. He has 40 acres, so he has been selectively cutting trees on his place for 20 years..

When out in the yard this summer I looked up and saw a big cedar, standing there dead. So I went out in the woods to check it out and started looking close at thetrees. There were a bunch of dead cedars out there, So when I ran into the neighbor, I asked him if he wanted to come down and fell the trees. He could have the logs in exchange for the work, as it required putting in a road and clearing some land to get in to the trees. We ended taking out 17 trees, plus he took down a couple of other dead trees. Two Hemlocks, a couple of small maples and one sizeable  Douglas Fir. I had a couple of the douglas firs cut into two inch slabs, so I can cut them into whatever size I nees.

I akso asked him to cut me six 2X6s X 6 foot to make a trestle style base for a dinng room table I am working on.

Most of the cedars were rotten in the center at the bottom, so all that wood will become firewood.., plus all the stuff too small to be cut into lumber, plus the hemlock, doug fir and maple. In all it will account for probably three cords of wood. (for the uninitated a cord is a stack 4' x4' x8'. or 128 cu.ft.) I already have about 6 cords of firewood in the wood shed and under tarps behind the garage. I al running out of space..

If I do any more, I might have to sell some. At the prices firewood is going for, I might make enough to make it worth my time.

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