Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Remote

I am not the ultimate Hi-Tec guy, but I need the basic amenities. You know, the 50" high def LCD TV with cable, surround sound And dvd player.
When the country went digital, I had already been there for over a year. Comcast set me up with a free converter box, so I had no problems.
The downside was the universal remote needed to run all the stuff. It is not really user friendly, but we have learned to live with it.
Second part of the story, I bought a very expensive laptop computer for Mrs A and I. Not for any one else. Just for the two of us. The old laptop became community property. I am deleting all personal information off of it and using it as a recording studio for my old vinyl. When I am not using it, it is free for anyone to use.
V. is sneaky. He is a technogeek, and there was this brand new high end laptop sitting there. I told him he was not to use it. Since I was still setting up things, I left it unprotected. I had a sneaking suspicion that V. was getting up in the middle of the night and messing with it. I know there is some way of checking history, but I don't know how.
So yesterday I password protected the computer.
When we got up this morning, the remote for the TV was missing. Mrs A and I made a quick check around, and it was nowhere to be found. Didn't have time to get serious about looking. When I got home, I tore things apart looking for the remote,, and came up empty. I knew that V. was the last one to use it, since the TV was on Comedy Central and Mrs A and I never watch that channel. He was upstairs taking a nap.
I went upstairs and woke him. "OK you were the last person to use the remote, you need to get up and find it!"
Much grumbling and "I don't know where it is"
"Get up and find it. I am pissed and not likely to get any better until YOU find the remote that YOU had last!"
He got up and came down stairs. After a cursory search, he went out in the kitchen, looked back at the living room and said "There it is right there" and came in and fished it out from under a chair.
"See, it just fell off and got lost"
Where it landed was under the sectional. It would not be possible for the remote to have landed where it did without a considerable amount of assistance. The physics just don't work. Someone had to have deliberately put it there.
Now let's see......someone was pissed because I had password protected my new computer, and was the last one to have used the remote, which mysteriously disappeared, and then found in a very short period of time when confronted...................
A picture is beginning to emerge..................
The dog did it.


Sarah said...

I would have been more likely to suspect a cat, given the amount of deviousness...

Al said...

Sarah: If we had a cat, I would agree, but the likelihood of a cat sneaking in and hiding the remote is, well....remote.

Anonymous said...

It's always easiest to blame the dog.

Al said...

NCP: Bad odors, rude noises, messes of any kind. It's always the dog.

sue said...

now, in our house i had a fifth child... "not me". I thought he'd grown up and moved out, but occasionally he still shows his face... :)

Al said...

Sue: Not Me has many siblings, distributed all over the world, usually in homes that have multiple children. Now that we have only one dependant at home, he has moved out and been displaced by the dog.

~grey said...

I had to laugh... but know it isn't funny. Especially not at the time. I have a son that has done the same thing. I too have dragged him out of his room... to find something...

Kids!!! they can drive you crazy if you let them.

Al said...

~grey: I have a refrigerator magnet that says: "You can't scare me, I have teenagers"
Too true, too true