My mom is moving into an assisted living facility. Consequently she is going through all the "Stuff" in her house, as space will be limited. Since she is 82, she has acumulated considerable stuff.
On Friday afternoon I stopped by as usual, and was helping her get some stuff down off of a high shelf.
"That goes to your brother Bill. that goes to your sister..."
Then there was the figurine... "That goes to the dump or Goodwill".
Wait a minute, I have an idea that might be worth something.
"I don't even know where it came from."
Well, let me have it and I will check it out.
Took it home and researched it on the Internet. The sculptor is Kelsay, and the one in the picture which is identical to the one at home and is currently for sale for $5,000.00.
That's not saying I could get that amount, but it is a lot more than I ever figured it was worth.
Now comes the question of what to do with it.
Sister "L" here- Take it to an art gallery and see if they will sell itor know someone who will. That should keep her in coffee and soda for awhile.
I guess we better put you on the job of going through all the cast off's before they hit the garbage bags.
You'll need authentication docs to get anything decent for it. I'd call the sculptor's studio and ask them...
Lori: Too much trouble right now. I a going in for eye surgery on Thursday.
Rick: There is a plaque on the base with authentification, Number XXX out of 2500, sculptors name and title, royal seal and all that.
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