Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Small Miracles

Small miracles happen. I know because I was just in the middle of one.
I haven't talked about it, but Mrs A has been going through a health crisis.
They were doing an upper GI CAT scan back in November when they noticed a nodule in her lung. They called her back for an additional CAT scan, specific to her lung. Sure enough there was a small mass in her lung. Then they injected her with radioactive sugar to see if the mass was processing the sugar at an accelerated rate compared to the surrounding tissue. It was, but the test ( PET scan) was inconclusive, so we made an appointment with the chest cracker to discuss options.
The most conservative approach was to do a needle biopsy, which we had scheduled for Monday.
It took a couple of hours to get her prepped and queued.
The doctor spent about 20 minutes explaining what the possible complications were. Collapsed lung, internal bleeding, infection, coughing up blood, cancerous growth. The list was pretty scary. By the time he was through he had us pretty much terrified.
Finally, into the operating room, get her situated, give her a sedative. take a scan. Take another scan. Mrs A is scared and asks what is going on, why they haven't numbed her.
The doctor leans over and says "Because we are not going to proceed. They mass is gone."
I went into the day thinking that the very best that could happen was that they would find the mass benign, and there would be no complications.
I got everything I had prayed for, plus.
No one can explain what happened to the mass.
Not a major miracle, as such things go.
Just a small everyday miracle sized just right.

After thanking the Lord, we went out and had Pie. The sun was suddenly brighter, the day warmer, and the pie tasted better.


rennratt said...

This fills me with joy. It's nice to know that miracles STILL happen.

Congratulations to you and Mrs. A.

Al said...

Thanks. It was incredible, bracing for the possible outcomes, and having a result that was so incredible.