Monday, February 03, 2014

Coming around

I have not frequented my blog of late. In general, I do not do well in the winter. Whether it is the weather or the lack of sunlight or whatever,  Throw on top of that not knowing where two of my grandkids are, and all of the uncertainty with their mom, it is hard to stay on an even keel.
SO I withdraw from the world, read and do genealogy, go to work, work overtime, and pretty much hunker down. I'm OK but the daily slog is just enough of an uphill slog to require a little determination to keep up at it.
I had a great time watching the Seahawks thump the Broncos in the Superbowl. Things are looking up.
But I am still having a lot of trouble gaining traction to go anywhere or do anything.
Oh well, Spring will come, the weather will improve and if things go well, I can retire this coming December.


rennratt said...

I can't imagine not knowing where your grandkids are, and struggling with the uncertainty of your daughter's addiction.

When you throw in the Cold/Dark of winter, well, I can understand the withdrawal. I can also relate.

I am REALLY looking forward to spring hitting the south. We're into our 2nd massive snow storm (for us, yes. It's massive) this winter, and I AM DONE. We're headed to the mountains in April, and I can't wait!

Al said...

This week it went from 24 degrees in the morning to 44. Definitely an upward trend. If it would just add about 20 more degrees, I'd be much better.