Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lost weekend

Or maybe Blogging on Percocet.

I had three teeth pulled on Friday. I'm only in it for the drugs.

I have been fighting bad teeth for about ten years now. One of the past conversations with the periodontist, and dentist concluded that I had about a 75% chance of losing those particular teeth. We tried to save them, but it was a losing battle. Everything we tried failed.
So the last resort was to have them pulled and have inserts put in, a long, painful and expensive process, which includes a bone graft using vacated bovine bone matrix. Yeah, you saw that correctly. Bull Bone. I will truly be part animal when this is over. Jokes could be made about being full of bull, but in reality I will be only a very small part full of bull.

I have been alternately napping on the couch, trying to read and watching the boob tube. I have accomplished exactly nothing, and this short post will be about as ambitious as I will get.

Time to go take another Percocet.


Sarah said...

Dental surgery is NOT fun, but it does sound like they gave you fun drugs. Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

at least there's percoset...

Al said...

Sarah: And A strongly worded instruction to take the pain killers whether I needed them or not.

NCP: And who am I to argue with a professional......

rennratt said...

The thought of enduring this surgery makes me WANT to take a percocet on your behalf!

I hope you fly through this (in more than one way) quickly!