Sunday, January 09, 2011

Uncle Fred

I received the news through e-mail that my Uncle Fred is in the hospital. That's him in the picture, with his sister, my Aunt Mary Rose. He had injured his big toe, and not taken care of it, and it went septic. They have had to amputate.
Uncle Fred occupies a special place in the family. He never married, and kept the farm first with my grandparents, then with my parents.
I would trust Uncle Fred with my fortune if I told him to keep it and hold it for me. I cannot say that about any other person on this Earth. He is the most honest person I have ever known, and his integrity has never been questioned.
Unfortunately he believes everyone else is just as honest as he is, and has the same integrity. This mkes him one of the worst possible businessmen on the face of the Earth. I hate to think of how many times he got screwed in a cattle deal or was sold a bad milk cow with mastitis. Or got a "Deal" on a used peoce of machinery. It never changed his attitude or his way of doing things. He was what he was in an elemental way. Easier to change the weather than change Uncle Fred.
I sure hope his recovery is quick and trouble free.

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