Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Toe Wars

The week before Thanksgiving, I noticed a sore developing on my second toe. A red raise area, sore to the touch.
It kept getting bigger and more painful, so on the Monday before turkey day, I went to the doctors. They weren't sure of a diagnosis, but most likely either gout or an infection. So they treated it as both. Gave me both gout medication and an antibiotic.
On T-day when I got home, the sore had burst, and the whole end of my sock was saturated with liquid. I spent the rest of my four day weekend with my foot elevated, and basically kept off of my feet. It didn't get any better. although it did make a scab.
I am diabetic, and have had three relatives lose lower limbs because they neglected to take care f themselves, so I was pretty worried.
Sunday, the scab split an my toe oozed out a lot of black blood.
This Monday I went back to the doctor. My regular Doctor was not available, so I told them I didn't care who saw me, but somebody needed to look at my foot.
They poked and prodded, and sent me to the wound treatment center, where they tortured my for a while. Tweeezers, scissors and scapple. Tell me if you can't stand the pain.
I did ask them to stop once to give it a rest when the sweat started on my brow.
They cleaned it all up, bandaged it and sent me on my way, with some more intibiotics.
I need to go back tomorrow to have them check it.
It has quit huring so bad which means it is either healing or has gone into gangrene, but since it doesn't stink, I am going to go with healing.


rennratt said...

Oh, wow! I almost passed out reading this.

Al said...

It was no fun