Thursday, October 11, 2012


God. I hate plumbing.
The kitchen sink was dripping, so I needed to get to work on it.
Just a simple job of replacing the washer, right? Right? Right?
I replaced the 00 washer, but instead of it dripping from the faucet, it started dripping underneath the sink. No Fair! I didn't even touch anything under the sink except to turn the water supply to the hot water tap off.
The kitchen sink fixture is a cheap one with plastic handles, and I had a different one with brass handles in the basement that someone gave me, so I decided to swap out the fixtures at the same time. I figured I would need to fix the brass fixture, because nobody would give away a solid brass fixture unless there was something wrong with it.
This was shortly after I started to pass a kidney stone. I had to rebuild the fixture, put it on, try it out, take it back apart and fix something else, put it back on. Every time I did this it irritated the kidney stone and I had to stop. After two weeks of working on it off and on, it still leaks, The compression seal at the bottom of the tap fixture for the cold water tap won't seal properly.
Well, I was going to swap out the sink anyway, so as soon as I get a day off, I am going to swap the old beat-up porcelain sink for a stainless steel sink.
While I'm at it I will go down and buy a good washerless fixture.
Meanwhile, I have tools and materials scattered all over the kitchen, the cleaning supplies  usually under the sink are scattered all over the kitchen, and a mixing bowl is under the sink catching the drip. It drips one drip every hour or so, but Mrs A. is getting impatient. For some reason, after working a ten hour day, I don't have the energy to tackle anything that isn't an emergency.
That and the fact that I won't go down and pick out a fixture without taking her along. So far it looks like I might get Sunday off, so I know what I will be doing.
God, I hate plumbing.


Unknown said...

This is why I pay people to do that crap for me :)


Anonymous said...

Dang it... now that I am on google plus it defaults to that instead of my bloggy name.

Al said...

Rachelle/NCP: I hear you, but I have a problem paying other people large sums of money to do something I can do Myself. Must be the farm boy in me.
Got tired of the same old template. I'd like to darken up the field a tiny bit, but can't figure out how. Looks a lot nicer.