Thursday, October 04, 2012


No, not the rolling Stones, although they could be called the moving stones.
Stones as in Kidney stones.
When I was working on the Westie, I got up from laying on my back, walked around doing something (I don't remember what) and it felt like somebody walked up and stuck an ice pick in my right kidney. This was a familiar feeling, as my body manufactures and disposes of kidney stones on a regular regimen. After I got done with the OH SH*T< OH SH*T< OH SHIT, I went back to work on the car. Since the pains did not completely go away, I called the consulting nurse and told her I was pretty sure I was passing a kidney stone, should I bother to come in?
She said it would be good to get a real diagnosis. Although she didn't say it, I got the distinct impression she thought that any one who does self diagnosis has a fool for a doctor.
So I went in and they x-rayed and I have three stones. Two on the left. one on the right. They are small and non-obstructing, so they sent me home with the instruction to take more drugs and come back if nothing changes. I declined a prescription for more Percocet 'cause I just don't like the stuff because it leaves me too foggy headed. (No remarks from the peanut gallery please)
Well, it has been two weeks, and I am still having occasional problems. Most of the time I am fine, but every once in a while someone runs up behind me and ice picks my kidney.
I have been working on the kitchen sink, putting in a new fixture and lines, so I have been laying on my back working at arms length. It has never bothered me when I am working, but after I get up and walk around it will kick in. Especially at night when I go to lay down.
I e-mailed the doc and told him it was maybe a pulled muscle, but he sticks with his original diagnosis.
Guess I'll just stick it out.


rennratt said...

I think that kidney stones are 'going around' this fall. Our pastor had 3 of them; two had to be blasted so he could pass them.

The largest one took a MONTH to pass.

I sure hope that yours passed more quickly than that!

Al said...

Renn: It took a little over three weeks for it to go away. This is the third time I have passed a stone.