Saturday, September 22, 2012

Naga Bhut Jolokia

Also known as the Ghost Pepper.
I like moderately hot stuff. A little burn is good for the digestion. Jalapenos are not particularly hot, Chilis Torredos are warm, but anything hotter and you begin to lose the flavor of what they are in and get into the territory of just macho.
I admit it. Sometimes I do stupid stuff just for the macho.
So when one of the guys at work brought around the Ghost Chili beef jerky, I took a piece.
In case you don't know, the Ghost Pepper was recognised by Guinness world records as the hottest pepper in the world, with over on million scoville units. It will eat it's way through latex gloves. It can cause blisters.
Your face will turn bright red, tears will run down, your nose will run, and it will be difficult to breathe.
And that's not talking about what it will do to your digestive system.
Let's just say burn twice and leave it at that.
Oh, and by the way, be sure to wash your hands before you rub your nose, or wipe your eyes or any other delicate skin.
Don't ask how I know


rennratt said...

I can barely eat crushed chili peppers. I can't IMAGINE eating a ghost pepper.

Al said...

It was quite an experience. Not one I care to repeat.

Llw2226 said...

Your cousin Benedict loves those ghost peppers. It must be a family thing.

Llw2226 said...

But then again you just tried it you didn't say you enjoyed it.

Al said...

I found the experience a little overwhelming. A whole new level of heat.