Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Our neighborhood is a very diverse neighborhood. We have blacks, mexicans, asians, anglos and racially mixed couples. It is mostly a quiet urban neighbohood.
It has a lot of kids.
I get along well with the kids in the neighborhood. When I pass them I always stop and say hello, ask them how they are doing. when I pass by they always wave. I love the way they think and how they look at the world with fresh eyes.
Tonight there was a rap on the door. There on the stoop were a couple of little angels, age about six. One white, one black.
Their hands were full of flowers, which I suspecct had been purloined from neighborhood flower gardens. They were for me.
Little angels spreading joy on a blustery fall day.


sue said...

Awwww.... how sweet. (Did you check YOUR flower bed? LOL)

Every neighborhood needs someone like you. :)

Al said...

Sue: I have to admit that one of the flowers bore a striking resemblance to a mum I have growing in the front yard. But it was the intent........

rennratt said...

Oooooh! How adorable!

You are just like my dad!

All of the neighbor kids used to knock on the door and ask my Mum if my Dad could 'Come out and play'.

Granted, this was before I was born...I STILL think it's funny!

Al said...

Renn: It just makes my day when something like this happens.