Saturday, October 24, 2009


Whenever you have any kind of procedure, they always give you a whole list of "possible" side effects, right before you sign the waiver. The list is always long and bewildering. Having a hangnail removed? Possible side effects: infection, amputation, paralysis, the end of civilization as we know it.
We all just blow by all of this because of course they don't apply to US.
Well, right now the right side of my face is all swollen up, and I am sporting my very first ever black eye. It is a thing of beauty.
I need to sit down and construct a story Worthy of the black eye.


sue said...

What? No pictures? :)

Sarah said...

My favorite is always when a side-effect is the reason for the drug, i.e. you want to prevent diarrhea but diarrhea is also a side-effect! Brilliant marketing of a drug that appears to do absolutely nothing!

Hope you come up with a good story!

Al said...

Sue: I thought about it but was in a drug-induced stupor, and by the time I got to the point I was capable of action, it was too late.

Sarah: Punch line: So that's why it is not a good idea to piss off your periodontist.