He is very quiet, and very clingy for now. But then again, he is just a baby.
Molly, the Shi Tzu is very rattled. She has been an only dog for all her life with us, and strongly objects to having to share. For now she has retired to the bedroom and only comes out to eat and go to the bathroom. She refuses to have anything to do with Monk.
He is not potty trained, so Mrs A has some work in front of her.
She has been hinting she wanted a second dog for a couple of weeks. I have fought the good fight, and eventually ended up with something I can live with. I do not like yappy little dogs. First she saw a white Pomeranian she liked. It was way to excitable and wound up. Then it was a Sheltie. Again, way too yappy. Then this one came up. Calm, not yappy, and so ugly he is cute. I can live with this dog.
Mind you, if I was picking a dog for myself it would be a golden retriever or a Lab, but this is Mrs A's birthday present, so she gets what she wants.
That's a pretty damn cute little doggie.
NCP: Like I said, so ugly he is cute. A very pleasant little guy.
He's ADORABLE. We, too, have shih tzus... and have had. We also have had German Shepherds, so understand the big dog mentality. (We had a beagle, too, but that's another story.) I love my shih tzu's (my folks have had them too and their first was Molly as well... now they have Maggie. Both good Irish names. LOL) Hubs and I keep talking that when daughter moves out and takes her shih tzu with her we want to get another dog... keep us informed on this one's temperement. Might be worth looking into. :)
Oh...and Happy Birthday to Mrs. Al!
Sue: We are trying to do potty training right now. Hope he catches on soon. He is absolutely adorable right now. I really like his attitude and personality.
This puppy should ONLY be spoken to in baby talk.
He's such a good boy! Yes he is!
I love the name Monk, but would also refer to him as "Little Man". It just seems to fit.
Renn: OF COURSE he is a "very good boy yes he is" The name Monk just seemed to fit him with his little part monkey face.
He held his own against three little girls this weekedd.
Renn: Oh yes he is. He is a very good boy. Such a good boy!
Little Man works, but Little Monkey is more like it.
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