Thursday, January 02, 2014

Bullet Hole

Mrs A went about her usual chores and stuff on Tuesday. Worked out at the gym, Want to the thrift store. Bought a few groceries.
She was coming back from dropping off some movies at Redbox, when she noticed something unusual.
A bullet hole in the hood of the car!
When she got home, she came in and said "Y0ou've got to come look at something."
I went out and looked, and there was a perfectly round hole in the upper passenger's side of the hood. From the way to hole is, it was apparent to me that someone had shot a gun in the air, and the bullet had come down on the hood of our car. From the angle, the impact was vertical.
So we got to inform the insurance company, call the Police for a Police Report, and go in for an estimate.
$750.00! For one little hole!!
We have an appointment next Monday to get it taken care of.
This kind of thing is always happening to Mrs A. Always being in the wrong place and wrong time. At least she wasn't standing where it hit.

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