So vacation was a hoot, as usual. Mrs A. and I always have a great time when people GO THE HELL AWAY AND LEAVE US ALONE. More on that later.
The weather wasn't great, I mean it is February in the Northwest, which translated as rain. But you know what? WE DIDN'T REALLY CARE! As the old joke goes, I ordered a dozen oysters, but only ten of them worked (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). We did manage to wedge in a nice walk on the beach and a day at the shops and galleries in Canon Beach. Came away with a really cool glass globe. Of course there were the mandatory stops at the Tillamook Cheese Factory and the Tillamook County Smokehouse (Makers of the worlds best beef jerky.) And of course our stay was not nearly long enough.
So when we get back, L and kids are getting evicted from their apartment (again). We bailed them out the last two times, so this time they are going to have to figure it out for themselves. If we don't force them to make a change in their lifestyles, like using the money to pay the rent instead of buying drugs, they aren't ever going to change. I know, I sound tough, but guess who always caves in and saves their ass from the Indians.
So I was married to a crazy woman for 28 years. I know all men think all women are a little off center, and women think the same about men, but I mean real crazy. Paranoid schyzophrenia crazy. Psychotic at times. She wasn't full fledged crazy at first, but she was very creative, which I love. Turns out that the creative impulses came fron the same place the voices did. When it got to the point where she was actively trying to do me and the kids harm, I told her if she didn't get help, I was going to divorce her. She went to a shrink one time and came back and said "They're all crazy there." And refused to ever go back. Right after that I went to get a hug and she went totally nuts, started hitting and screaming and grabbed my arm and bit a chunk out of it. She did things like jump up and start stomping on the floor. When I asked her what she was doing, she said "The people in the basement are poking knives up through the floor."
So after we got divorced she went to live with her dad. He eventually had to have her declared incompetent and had the court appoint a guardian. She gets some kind of Social Security money and has a small apartment in the same complex as out daughter R.
When we got back from vacation I got a call from R. to see how the trip went. Among other little tidbits she had gotten from her mother, her mom told her that I am not her father.
I have always known that there was a possibility that this was true. When I was in my 20's I got a vasectomy. The ex and I got divorced and remarried, and shortly after we remarried she showed up pregnant. To say the least I was stunned. I mean, it does happen. Things do grow back together, So I figured there was at least some chance that it was mine. I thought about it long and hard. Thought about going to be tested to see if there were any little wrigglers, but I decided that I would wait and see what the baby looked like. If it was asian or black or something, I would deal with it. R. was the result, and it was love at first sight. She looked enough like me that no questions ever arose. I made the reasoned, consious decision that it really made no difference whose genes she carried, she was mine. She and I have had a special bond her whole life. She was the reason I stayed with crazy woman so long. I was afraid if I got divorced, R. would get stuck being raised by a crazy woman, and I would not make that choice. When we did finally get divorced, R. was 16 and chose to stay with me.
So now I have my daughter asking questions because her mom has told her something. I mean I have always known her mom was crazy and a slut, but this came as a real belly blow.
I guess I'll probably be having a couple of future conversations with R. about her possible parentage.
My son hates his mom. He has told me he honestly believes she is a truely evil person. I have always told him she is just sick and can't help it. After this I am beginning to lean a little more towards his point of view.
Wow....that blew me away! What a thing to have happen after such a nice vacation!
And here I thought my husbands ex wife was crazy. I still swear that The PK's ex has a split personality...but at least she's never taken a chunk out of the PK!
Best of luck to you in that whole situation....
Yeah, kinda freaky. I always wondered what happened to the chunk she bit out of my arm. I mean, did she swallow it?
Everything's OK, R said it didn't matter to her, that I was the only dad she eever had or would have.
Well, that's good news with R. Sounds like she's a smart girl! :)
Keep up the good work »
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