Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New job

Today I officially accepted the job offer for a new position. It involves a change of organizations, but physically I will move about six feet.
The new job is Liaison M.E. instead of ECAT. ECAT is wiring shipside support, Liaison is everything else. Like structures and hydraulics and ECS.
I should get a report date in the next couple of days. I kept telling my boss that I would do whatever was necessary to get out of working second shift. Either they didn't believe me, or didn't care (or both). So now I have done it. The agreed to report date is after the first of the year, but my current manager has not yet turned loose of me.
Still fighting the infection on my toe. I have to go in tomorrow and get it looked at again. I sure hope they give me a clean bill of health, but since I can't see the toe for all the bandages, I have no idea how it looks. Got my fingers (and toes) crossed.

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