Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas

Belated, that is.
Things have been WAY too hectic around here.
The kids came over from Idaho to spend Christmas with us. When they got here, Dan announced he intended to get married while they were over here. Lisa did not know about it yet. So he asked her here in the living room of the house two days before Christmas. We toasted them with eggnog with a generous shot of "Nog" They spent Christmas Eve Day getting the license and everything.
Christmas Eve day we had a family thing over at my brothers house and a good time was had by all. We no longer exchange gifts, just for the kids, and as Elliot was the only kid in attendance, he made out like a bandit.
Which brings up a sore subject. I did not hear from R nor get to see "i" over the Holidays. I guess she called my son a couple of weeks before Christmas and asked him if he knew what time of day would be best to call me. But never actually called me.
After the family thing, we came back home and My son and his wive and Vinnie came over and we exchanged gifts with them. It was a pleasant evening. Mrs A got me a kindle Fire, which she found on sale for $179.00. I have spent a lot of my time since immersed in my first kindle purchase, Inheritance by Christopher Paolini.
Christmas day I had requested a turkey dinner. The women brought back a 24 lb bird, and I helped get the stuff ready. Chopped celery and onions for the dressing. After stuffing the bird, we realized we did not have a pan to roast it in. So I had to run off in search of a store that was open that Had a turkey roasting pan. I eventually found one. The dinner turned out great. I made riced potatoes, there was turkey gravy, both kinds of cranberry sauce, L made Greens and ham hocks, stuffing, rolls and an endless supply of turkey. I have to admit that what I like about a big turkey dinner is leftovers. Sometimes I think I could go right past the meal and go straight to the leftovers. In fact there is still a quite a bit of turkey left. I think I will put a couple of pounds away to make turkey and sausage Jambalaya in a couple of weeks.
I needed to renew the tabs on my truck by the 29th. I have been having so much fun driving the Westie that the truck has been sitting unused for the last couple of months. Of course the battery was dead when I went to start it. Pull off the negative battery cable to charge the battery, put it back on when it is charged, and everything is fine. I go to the testing place to get it emissions tested, and it fails. Why does it fail? Not because there is anything wrong, but because a couple of sensors have not "reset" themselves. So what the hell does that mean? The people at the emissions testing station don't know. They tell me to go see the dealership. The dealership says that it takes somewhere between three and ten start and warm up cycles to reset the sensors. I ask how the heck am I supposed to know when it is done, I mean will the sky clear and a beam of sunlight will break through the clouds and I will suddenly KNOW the sensors have reset? (and yes I did ask that exact question of the service manager). He said that for $150.00 they would go in and reset the codes in the computer, and it would pass, but that if it didn't I could get a waiver. It seems if you spend $150.00 to address whatever problem you have that is causing you to fail the emissions test, they will pass you anyway. It guess it is a complete coincidence that that is the exact amount of money it takes to reset the computer which takes about two seconds and involves pushing a couple of buttons. So I made an appointment to drop off the truck the next morning. I had the kids drop off the truck because...
Mrs A had a medical appointment in Bellevue the next morning.
While we were waiting for the medical stuff, the kids called and said they were heading back home that afternoon, because the passes were bare and wet and were supposed to stay that way until late evening, when it was supposed to snow like crazy, so they had to run around and get all of the last minute things done and get everything packed. So we came straight back from the doctors, they got back and packed and got out of here by 2:00.
when I called about the truck, they had not done anything with it yet. They called at 2:00 to say that I had a bad oxygen sensor, but that they could just reset the computer and I could go get it tested. I said that I wanted it fixed, so they went ahead and replaces the oxygen sensor, and I took it over to the testing station where....
it failed.
But since I had just paid $300 to have it repaired, I went and got a waiver. Mind you, my tabs were expiring that day. By that time it was 4:15. I had just enough time to go get the tabs renewed, because the licensing place closed at 5:00. I made it.
So I awoke this morning and Mrs A was getting ready to head out for work. She works a full day on Fridays, so It is just me and the dogs, who are over on the couch, snoring. The first quiet day I have had this Christmas.
And just in time.


rennratt said...

You have surely had your plate full over the past week or so! I'm guessing you'll have to go back to work just to get some rest!

I hope that things settle with R, and that everything is okay.

How do you like your Kindle Fire? I have the basic Kindle; my dad bought it for me back in February 'because I like to read' and 'he felt like it'. I love that man; he spoils me rotten over the oddest things!

Al said...

The Kindle Fire is pretty neat. Since we don't have a bookstore anywhere near, it's pretty convenient to just download the latest books, and considerably cheaper. It will be nice for when we go camping, so I can download books and movies and whatever.
As for R., I just try not to think about her right now. I'm sure things will iron out eventually