On the homefront, both L & N have jobs, so they are looking for apartments. Mrs. A and I had to co-sign the lease, but we will be dropped off of the lease after six months.
R. comes and goes. I'm not sure of what her plans are. She referred to the spare bedroom as "My room" so she may be moving back in. When N and L move out she can have the big bedroom in the basement. She and I can work together to fix it up.
I had my annual diabetes checkup yesterday, and my hemoglobin acl was 7.1 which is very good control. Everything else was normal too, so I guess I haven't abused my body too badly. The one complaint I had was not being able to sleep, so the doc prescribed some sleeping pills, with the understanding I only use them occasionally. I think I will try one Saturday night. I have been averaging only about 5 hours a night, and I'm getting pretty raggedy. Thank God for caffeine
I've had problems sleeping for quite some time. Good be any number of causes, might be age, but exercise seems to be helping. (As long as I don't over-do to the point of lingering pain.)
I've been this way for most of my life. I tend to keep pushing myself until I just can't get out of bed one morning.
Meant to say it "could" be any number of causes. In my case, it might be alzheimers'.
Al, does that mean R. is clean again or you don't mind her staying with you when she is using? I am just curious. I think males are different. When my brothers were using they were DANGEROUS. My mom didn't let them near the house when they were high. It was really hard to do.
the deck looks awesome. A job well done.
Oh you said it! Thank God for caffeine! :)
And there's nothing worse than not being able to sleep...believe me I KNOW!
Daphnewood: R. is only allowed to be home if she is straight. If she is using or wants to, she has to leave.
PQ: a 20 oz diet coke with lime, first thing when I get to work gets me going.
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