Thursday, December 04, 2008


Things are back to normal.
It has been Hell for me the last several months. There is nothing I hate more than sitting around with nothing to do. Or doing things that have no significance. It makes for a very long day.
I can usually rummage around and come up with something to do, but it is usually a medium to long tern project, the kind I usually keep on the back burner to fill in time. The chaos and fire that I feed on just isn't there. It makes it hard to get up in the morning and come to work.
Now things are at last returning to where I can get up in the morning and look forward to having enough to do most every day.
This is either a good thing or a bad thing depending on your point of view. The fact that I am reacting to emergent production problems means that something went wrong. That's not a good thing. Except to me. As long as it isn't disastrously bad, I enjoy problem solving, and having a continuous stream of solvable problems present themselves is where I live. I dance on the thin ice, skirt the edges of the fire. I stick my neck out and pull it back just in time.
Now things have returned to their normal state, and things are back in their proper places, and I am as busy as I want to be.
I go home at night tired from having worked, not tired from sitting around all day. I sleep better at night.
My neck, which was driving me crazy with arthritis has calmed down, too.
I guess to me stress from not working is worse than stress from working.


Rick said...

I hear that. I can't STAND having to "look busy." I've managed to "look busy" at home for the past several years, which is fine, but my new boss is hinting that he'd like me to "look busy" at the cubical farm. He's not paying enough for that.

Al said...

Rick: I really don't live in the "Cubicle Farm", but out in the factory, as close to the action as I can get. No way I could handle joining people that produce the crap I continually clean up.

rennratt said...

I'm so glad that things are settling down for you.

Here's to busy work days! Not soul crushing busy - PRODUCTIVE busy!

Al said...

Renn: Enough to do and just enough time to do it.