Monday, November 17, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Now that the possibility of a strike has pretty much passed, that suddenly puts me in a position I have seldom experienced. Having been fiscally responsible, I prepared for a strike by stuffing money in a strike fund. It isn't huge or anything. Just enough to pay a couple of months house and car payments.
This money is now available for other things.
But which things?
My first impulse is to pay off then engine I just bought for the truck. This would be the adult, responsible thing to do. Therefore it is unlikely I will do this.
The fun thing to do would be to take the money and go on a trip, vacation to some sunny place, which I am inclined to do. Fun, but not very responsible.
So I think we are going to compromise. Go 50/50. Half to pay bills, half to play.
I need to start figuring out how to get the most bang for my buck.


Anonymous said...

I always try to go 50/50 on "windfall" money like tax returns, bonuses, etc.

Gotta do the saving thing... but lifes no fun unless you spend a little now and again!

Al said...

ncp: What's the point if you don't have a little fun along the way?

Sarah said...

Good plan-- responsible and fun!

Al said...

Sarah: Now to start sorting out the options........