Friday, January 27, 2006

Egg Roll Saturday

Before I met Mrs A., I was having a fling with a very pretty Laotian woman. It was quite an experience. I once told her "There are two women living in your head. One of them is this traditional Min Lao Buddhist. The other is an independent American home owning working single mom. The two of them are at war, and some day you are going to have to make a choice". She couldn't give up her status in the Lao community and we ended up splitting up. Before she gave up on us, I asked her to teach me how to make egg rolls, because she made the best egg rolls I have ever tasted.

I still keep egg rolls on hand all the time. The recipe is for 100 egg rolls, so it takes some time to make them. What could be a chore we have turned into a fun activity.

We go to the Chinese Market and get the ingredients, one of which is a large bottle of Japanese Plum wine. (The wine doesn't go in the egg rolls, but the egg rollers). Next stop Blockbuster Video where we rent whatever latest DVD for whatever catches our eye. I make up the "Stuff" for the eggrolls, then we put up the card table in front of the big screen, slap in a movie and make egg rolls and sip wine. What could otherwise be a chore becomes something fun to do.

I do have to say that as we get to the last off the egg rolls and the bottle of wine that the quality control on the rolling process suffers some, but what the heck, they still taste the same.

1 comment:

Daphnewood said...

uh recipe please! that was such a teaser post ;)