Monday, January 16, 2006

The light! It burns!

So our quest for the record for rainfall fell short of the record. The all time record for consecutive days of rain was 34 and we stopped at 27. In otherwords, yesterday, this enormously bright object appeared in the sky and it stayed there FOR HOURS AT A TIME!!! I felt rather like a mole emerging from it's burrow into daylight.

I have a theory why the sun broke out yesterday. The Seahawks won their playoff game (the first time in like 22 years). I believe that the alcohol fumes from all of the celebrating burned off the atmospheric water. This has a semi-scientific reasoning behind it. When you have a car that has been sitting around during the winter, water condenses in the gas tank, and causes it to run really badly. The cure is to add alcohol to your gas tank. The alcohol combines with the water and voila! the car runs better. Must be a similar process.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oooo...I like your theory! :) Makes perfect sense to me! :)

Al said...

Twisted logic is one of my specialties.