This is my current wallpaper on my computer at work. If all is well, I will be there tomorrow. That is the Amazing Mrs A. in the picture. In the background is Lake Irene in the Olympic National Park. It is a moderate hike of about a mile off of the road up the North Fork of the Quinault River. This day was perfect for hiking, so we had gone up the trail several miles, and stopped in at the Lake on out way back.
It was very serene there. There was a herd of Elk grazing in the rushes on the other side of the lake. A bumblebee landed on my knee, and sat there and let me pet him for several minutes. We did not see or hear another human being for the hour or so we stopped there.
It is interesting that women always want to know who the woman is in the picture, men always want to know where the lake is. Guess we are just wired differently.
So mybrain is leaving on vacation now, soon to be followed by the rest of me. I wont be posting for a couple of days, since there are no amenities like wifi or cable connections. The Lodge does not have television, and there are no phones in the rooms. There is no cell phone service. I will probably take my laptop along just in case I want to write on my book, but doubt I will accomplish anything. I am reading George R.R. Martins "A Feast for Crows" so it will be my first choice of activities after hiking and eating and naughty stuff (not necessarily in that order).
I'm taking the camera. hope to bring back some good pictures.
have a safe trip. I know you'll have a wonderful time. The place looks heavenly.
Enjoy the vacation, it's beautiful out there. I did a motorcycle ride through the area last year and it was breaktaking.
Who says you can't take naughty pictures??? You just don't have to post them...keep them in your "personal" collection! ;)
Ooo! Oooo! Ooooo! I LOVE that George Martin series....it is one of my FAVORITES!!! Let me know how you like it. You'll find it's got a BUNCH of characters but don't be put off by that...it's al EXCELLENT book!
Hope you and Mrs. A. have a terrific vacation and do lots of fun (and naughty) stuff together! ;)
Oops...I meant "it's an excellent book".
I am SO glad it's almost the weekend...I need one BAD!
I like Martin's stuff enough that I have introduced several people to his books. Just when you figure you have things figured out, he goes and kills another main character. The current story is more about character and sude plot development than main story line, but I am still enjoying it when I can get the time to read.
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