Thursday, June 22, 2006

Goin' to Prison

That's right. Mrs A. and I are going to prison this weekend.

Before you jump to any conclusions, let me admit to obfuscating. No, that's not a crime, it is the act of being deliberately misleading. It is not the first time I have led my fellow bloggers down the garden path, just to get them off balance.

So long time visitors here are aware that Mrs A. and I are crew to a Christian Rock N' Roll band,
  • Morning Light . Their mission is to the incarcerated, so this weekend we are going to Olympic Correctional Institution in Forks Washington. It is about a six hour drive to get there, but a scenic drive. I hope to talk Mrs A. into taking the Z. That would mean that she could only take two suitcases, and me a gym bag (snicker). It also means I have to do all the driving, as Mrs A. is terrified of driving the Z.

  • We will be staying two nights in a hotel, accommodations provided by the Foursquare Church. Many thanks to them.

    One of the things that Morning Light does is provide transitional help for people being released back out of Prison.

    This is the first time Mrs A. and I will have gone to an adult facility. Up until now we have helped set up at juvenile detention facilities. I have to admit I am a little nervous. It's bad enough when the big door goes "Clang" at Juvie, but I know I will never be mistaken for one of the inmates should anything happen. I could also take care of myself and Mrs A. if anything happened. In an adult facility that would not be true. I know I am being overly concerned, but that's part of being a spouse.

    Friday is also L.s surgery. One of the reasons she had to terminate her last pregnancy was that they discovered multiple lesions on her cervix. They won't go as far as telling her they are cancer, but the suddenly decided they needed to go in and remove her cervix. The operation is pretty much standard, but we will stick around town until she is clear, then drive out to Forks. It will be a long day.

    I will try to remember the camera, and if I do, I will post pictures here next week.

    If you are the praying type, remember us, if you're not wish us luck.

    If you are a complete heathen have a beer for me.

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