I got this image in an e-mail yesterday, and I couldn't resist the impulse to share it.
I really couldn't tell if it had been manipulated or not.
The message was that if you saw this, it was probably a good idea to just turn around and go home, because things were not going to get any better as the day went along.
Last night was a really good evening. V. had his new game, so he was entrenched in his room killing monsters.
L & N & K were gone camping.
I had BBQ'd on Sunday and we had leftover steak, so I cut it up real fine, and we had BBQ beef sandwiches. Mrs A. had made it back to work, and everything had just pretty much been dumped on her desk while she was out, so she was pretty stressed. So I popped open a bottle of Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante. Gormets would probably shudder. Asti and BBQ........
It was delicious.
We watched a little TV and when the Mariners game came on, she went upstairs, and I watched downstaris. The house was quiet. I could feel my body soaking up the quiet, and feel the knots unwinding.
The Mariners won, but it was only Kansas City, who has the worst record in Baseball. They beat them three games out of four. Any game that puts an "X" in the win column is good.
The evening was very pleasant. It is the way I had imagined our life together to be.
As soon as the game was over, it was upstairs for a little snuggle, slap and tickle, and a good nights sleep.
The world seemed a little sunnier this morning.
I just BET the world DID seem a bit snuuier this morning! Usually happens after a nice quiet evening and a bit of slap and tickle, doesn't it?
Good for you and Mrs. A!
Snuuier sounds like it would be fun, too.
I have only had a few of those moments where life is EXACTLY as I imagined. Such bliss.....
Yeah, I turned to Mrs A. and said "Peace and quiet, man this is nice" as we curled up on the couch and snuggled. If it could only be that way more often
Mariners? Oh, yeah, I have a championship sweatshirt from '95. Never give up... unless you're nineteen games back!
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