Monday, June 05, 2006

Up 'n Down

Mrs A. is not a good patient.
In fact the words "Patient" and "Mrs. A." do not belong in the same sentence. It has been very hard for her, because she has been laid up because of having a bunion removed, and it is DRIVING HER NUTS.
She is somewhat OCD. and she can't get her foot wet, so she has a hard time taking a shower and washing her hair.
This drives her nuts.
She hasn't been able to get around very well, so she can't vacuum or mop floors.
And this drives her nuts.
L. is a slob and never picks up after her kid. He throws food in the floor, it is likely to just lay there until either Mrs. A. or I pick it up.
This drives her nuts.
They don't have enough money to pay us the stipend we are charging them, but they have money to but a ferret,
and this drives her nuts.
She is bored out of her skull, because you can only watch so much TV, and she is sure that the house is falling down around her ears because she can't get up and clean it. Having gone through a similar situation when I got my shoulder operated on, I can sympathize. I try real hard to shut up and just take it.
So this weekend was up and down.
For the up part, V. got his progress report from school. We have been going round and round because at midterm he had three "F"s on his report card. So I started taking things away from him. If things didn't improve, I told him I would continue to take things away until there was nothing in his room but himself, his school work,, and a bare mattress. He would have to study just to have something to do.
V. comes in with his Progress Report. He has to be dramatic about it.
"Well, I didn't get any "F"s"
"That's great V."
"I also didn't get any "D"s"
"Super job V."
"I also didn't get any "C"s"
"No kidding! That is much better than I expected. You know that new game you've been wanting to get? Lets go down to Game Stop and I'll buy it for you."
So he has all of his stuff back, and we'll see how it goes. There are still a couple of weeks until school is over.
But all of the nagging and stuff actually payed off.


Anonymous said...

Couple o' tips for the Mrs., from my Mrs.... She found the bath much handier for washing up after three days bitching about not getting the bandages wet. Propped the foot up on the edge of the tub and magically turned into a human again.
Tip 2: crutches are impossible... go get a thing called a "RollerAid." It's a tricycle-looking thing that leaves the hands mostly free to fetch and carry. Even has a handle-bar basket, just like the good ole days. I added a honky-horn just to complete the image. Be sure to get the one with steerable front wheels (a little harder to get used to, but much less of a pain-in the ass than lifting the front end to go around a corner). They rent for $189/mo. at your local medical supply store, but insurance should cover it all.
I am so glad to be done with the grades arguments. I had great grades until I got to college, then realized nobody but my parents were ever going to check. Getting into college was the challenge for my kid.

Al said...

It took us until today to figure out that the tub would be better than the shower. She doesn't have to use crutches. They have her in a fancy sandal that velcros on, and she is walking around unaided.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

It's so hard on women when they can't do their normal thing! Hang in'll all be over soon and it'll all be back to normal! :)

And that's great to hear about V.'s grades...good job (for both of you!) :)

Al said...

Thanks Your Majesty. I am sooooo glad that the message is getting through.

Daphnewood said...

hooray for V! school is all done here and I am now surrounded by kids. At least I don't have to keep asking "did you do you homework? Don't tell me you don't have any because I know that's not true!" I guess they all managed to do pretty well despite a few poor progress reports.

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...
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