I stumble around, disorganized, and I have a hard time getting out the front door with all the stuff I need. We have evolved a check list. 'Badge" Check "Bug" check "Cell phones(2)" check "Keys" check "Wallet" check "Watch" check "Lunch" check. If I get out the front door with all of the above and matching socks, it has been a good morning.
Yesterday was not a good morning.
Since I get up at zero dark thirty, I have to be in bed and asleep by 8:45 to get eight hours sleep. This never happens. That may be part of the reason I am grumpy in the morning.
At 11:00 Wednesday night the phone rings, and it is L. "We are at the Supermall, and the car won't start." I had been sound asleep, so formulating a complex thought was nigh on to impossible, but eventually it registered that they wanted me to come down and rescue them.
I guess that's what parents are for.
So I didn't get a lot of sleep.
Blogger was screwed up all day. I tried to leave comments on my regular reads, but Blogger was having none of it. Every time something went wrong. That's why there was no post for yesterday.
I was perusing "Craigs list" yesterday and there was an ad for a 1966 AC Cobra Reproduction for $5995.

In the pictures it looked incredible, and the listing was brand new. I sent the guy and e-mail and said if that was the real price, I would be by with the cash the same day. I sent an e-mail to Mrs A. and told her I was going to buy it, that I would sell off a couple of other cars to get it. She thought I was kidding.
Of course the price was a typo, it should have been $59,995, but for a moment there I had visions of tooling down the hiway in my Cobra blowing the doors off of anything that dared to challenge me.
Sure it has no roof, sure it would get like six miles to the gallon, sure it would scare the pants off Mrs A., but for one summer, I would rule the road.
Oh well, for a couple of hours there I was wound up and excited. Heck, I would have come around and given you a ride you wouldn't soon forget.
But don't ask to drive.
If it looks too good to be true, it probably is! Too bad, that would have been one awesome ride!
Michael: Yeah the AC Cobra is one of my dream rides.
sorry about the car and sorry you are GRUMPY! My husband just stumbled home tonight after working 30 hours straight. How would you like a person that tired doing brain surgery on you? He is pretty grumpy himself but I do understand a man without sleep. It was decent of you to forewarn Mrs. A. What were the kids doing at a mall at 11pm? do malls stay open that late? I must be getting old.
Dontcha hate when stuff like that typo happens? Getcha all worked up over nothing?! Darn...it is a gorgeous car!
Good to hear your 11pm call was just a ride-n-rescue...nothing serious!
Enjoying your blog..via Stacy TPQ... :-)
Very cool car! :)
And I never get 8 hours of sleep either but I am the opposite of you...I am more a morning person. I can be found dancing and jamming in my bathroom while getting ready for work!
Daphnewood: Oh well, for a little while I was so wound up. It is good to get excited about stuff now and then.
Retro Girl: Welcome, welcome, Yeah, although it was an inconvenience, it was not that bad. I have gotten the 11:00 call that went "This is the Police, we have your daughter in custody." At least it wasn't "This is the Hospital...."
PQ: There goes one of my fantasies. I might have to throttle someone who was so cheery first thing in the morning. I guess we'll just have to be friends.
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