Monday, September 10, 2007


I got a call yesterday that kinda set me back on my heels. I really don't know what to say, or how to feel.

One of R's lifelong friends called me to tell me that R. is expecting.

My first impression is that this is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. She hasn't worked in two years, hasn't had a permanent address, has been on and off of drugs. She hasn't had a lasting relationship with a man.

I have always told myself "Well, at least she doesn't have kids." So much for that.

On the other hand, this may provide the impetus for her to settle down and take life seriously. She can't drink or take drugs while she is pregnant. She will be responsible for another human being's needs, needs to provide a stable environment. She has a lot of potential if she can get herself off high-center.

The guy that beat her up last week is the father of the kid, I hear.

Me and my baseball bat are going to have to have a little "talk" with him.

If this is all true. She hasn't called me and told me anything.


Michael said...

Man, that would absolutely be a shocking phone call. Hopefully she does use this as incentive to clean her act up and take responsibility.

Al said...

Michael: Right now my feeling is that it could goo either way.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oh shit.

Hope she straightens up and flies right. I know she doesn't really NEED a baby right now...but it may just be a Godsend.

Al said...

PQ: There IS that possibility, so I'll be optimistic. For now.