Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Here at Last

I have been working towards this day for over two years. The first body section for the P8-A arrived in Renton today and was loaded into the assembly tool.

This will be a real time of challenge for me, as I am the Lead for Elecctrical Installations Electrical Corrective Action Team. (ECAT). Since this is a new cocnfiguration and a new business model, I am looking forward to a whole series of challenges in the next couple of months.

It's kinda like tuning up your car when it's doing 60 miles an hour.

Some people want to have everything under control. They want to know what will happen tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.

Not me.

When the surfaces are all slippery and the excrement hits the ventilation, that's where I want to be, wheelin' and dealin' and making it all work.

Today was the first day, and I got a reasonable amount of challenge, but there was the hour in the afternoon when I moved into my new digs whae I almost got a chance to catch my breath.

I already know of a couple of challenges we face, so tomorrow I begin the effort to forestall a coming disaster. One which this morning, only I knew of. So I went to the Factory Manager and explained to him the situation, and he empowered me to go set up the team to mitigate the problem.

Maybe nobody in the Universe appreciates it, but DAMN I am having fun!


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

"When the surfaces are all slippery and the excrement hits the ventilation, that's where I want to be, wheelin' and dealin' and making it all work.

See, when that happens, I don't want to be in the general area...but I LOVE sitting on the sidelines and watching it all...;)

Al said...

PQ: And I love to be right in the middle of it. Crazy, huh?

sue said...

You realize...those first two paragraphs? Yeah... those. They meant nothing to me. Nothing. Complete Greek.

Glad you finally got moved, tho'...and you do seem a tad bit happier! Good for you!

Al said...

Yeah, I understan that they probably don't mean much to anyone outside of my very specialized field. When I get to talking cars or airplanes Mrs A gets this glazed look in her eye.

I will stop and ask her "That doesn't mean a thing to you does it?"
"Not really."
"That's OK. Just nod your head once in a while."

Sarah said...

Glad you're enjoying the challenge, Al!

And "excrement hits the ventilation" is an *awesome* term.

Right up there with "when the fecal matter hits the rotary propeller".


Al said...

Sarah: I thought that sentence had a certain flow and alliteration to it.