Friday, July 17, 2009

Frankenhealey Update

Pictures soon.

Gabriel will be finishing up the painting tomorrow. I'm not going to go into the physics of why the paint is the way it is, but it is turning out as I had hoped. The car is being painted white, with a color shifting additive added to the clear coat after the paint. I have never seen this done before, so I have been a little apprehensive about how it would turn out.

If the additive is put in the clear coat over black, it makes for a very dramatic emerald green to cobalt blue color shift. That is what I did on the Z.

If you put it over white, it would be very different. I have been hoping for white with an effect similar to a blue-to-green color shifting pearl effect. Gabriel did the doors today, and I went over to view the results. It is just as I had hoped it would be. The color shift on the pearl is pretty subtle, but very noticeable. I won't know how it looks overall until the whole car is painted, and will have to view it under different lighting conditions, but I think it will be beautiful.

Guess I will find out tomorrow when they paint the rest of the car and put it all back together. I am getting excited. I now have worked on the car for a year and a half, and I still need to do some additional work on it to make it roadable.


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