Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I have a yearly assessment I need to take today to maintain my security level for working in one of the computer systems. It is a giant pain in the ass. I have not worked in that system in over two years, but I am due to rotate out of my present position the first of July, so it would be a good idea to have all the tools in my tool box.
I have enjoyed working as a Pit Boss for the last year and a half, but they are rotating this slot to second shift as of the first of July, so I told them to go ahead and rotate the hell out if it, but since I was a volunteer, they could rotate it without me. With all the extra people at home right now it would not be right to go to second shift and leave everything on Mrs A. Personally, it would be a way to get out of a lot of the crap, but it just wouldn't be fair.
So it's off to the dungeon for the red hot pinchers and thumb screws for the rest of the day.


Daphnewood said...

again, you are not only Superman but a white knight. I hope the test went okay. I can't sleep since today is surgery day for my son. I wonder if I will ever stop worrying about my kids. Probably not.

Al said...

I'll say a little prayer for you and your son. I was talking to my mom the other day and she remarked that your kids never stop being your kids. And she turns 80 this November.