Thursday, May 18, 2006

Stuff and Nonsense

I declined the opportunity to go to work yesterday. I hadn't slept well in several days, and just got so tired I couldn't get up. I just rolled over and went back to sleep. Got up long enough to call in, and turned around and went back to bed. I didn't get out of the sack until 11:15. It was wonderful.

After I got up, the day was pretty hectic. The kids wanted to move from their present room an the top floor to a bigger room in the basement. The only problem was that the room in the basement was crammed full of stuff, mostly Ls stuff, but a little of mine and some of Mrs A.s. My main thing was that I had five book cases stuffed to overflowing with books, and so was the room they were moving out of. So with a log jam at both ends, where do you begin?

With the dump, of course. That and Goodwill. Mission mostly accomplished. I still have to make a trip to the dump, but stuff moved out of the way. Next empty the book cases. I must have about 1,000 books, so it is no small task. Plus one of the book cases is too big to fit around the corner going up the circular staircase, so we had to bring it up with ropes over the balcony off of out bedroom. We got all of the books upstairs and moved the book cases out of the way, then we had to move the stuff downstairs. The box springs was to big to go around the corner of the circular staircase, so over the balcony it goes. It's a whole lot easier getting things down than up, gravity doing most of the work.

The kids should finish it up today.

Now for the nonsense. L. is on welfare (Actually she is on ADC, but it amounts to the same thing). DSHS sent her a letter telling her that they were cutting off her benefits because they couldn't locate her. Now wait just a minute. If they couldn't find her, how did they know where to send the letter, and why do they call her and talk to her on the phone? Talk about the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing!


Daphnewood said...

Al, your days off are never relaxing, are they? You know, you write about these things that you do for you kids and step kids and NEVER complain. I would be cussing up a storm if temporary house guests made me clean up my basement because they didn't like the room I gave them to stay in. You are quite a man to be so generous. Maybe it is just a girl thing to vent.

and the goverment thing is so typical. I keep getting letters from social security even though I called them over and over. too much red tape. my favorite line is "another department can handle that for you" ughh!

Al said...

I have been wanting to get the room in the basement cleaned up for a long time, and they did most of the work, so I just needed to remind myself that they were accomplishing something I wanted to get done. Doesn't mean I didn't want to slap the S^&* out of them when the complained.