Thursday, November 02, 2006


Mrs A, and I are going to the headshrinker todady. I don't mind, and it helps her. She has a hard time sticking to the idea of tough love. She goes into it with the right idea, but then starts second guessing herself.

I can tell her ten thousand times that she is doing the absolute right thing, and I might as well be talking to the dog.

However if a complete stranger came up to her in the street, and told her the exact same thing, she would be quoting them for weeks.

Oh well, if it helps her keep her head together, it's all good.

I worked in the Psychiatric Service in the Army, so there isn't anything new or intimidating for me. I have already been headshrunk by the best.

My boss in the Army was M. Scott Peck, the author of "The Road Less Travelled". In his book, he writes about The Techs. I was one of the Techs. Working with Scott was a very interresting time in my life, and an experience that has stayed with me my entire life. It gave me a perspective on life and behavior that prepared me well for later life.

I like to tell people that being the liaison officer for the locked psychiatric facility was good preparation for management at Boeing.


Rick said...

I'll trade you my Rush Limbaugh work experience for your Scott Peck experience. The former leaves me needing the latter.

Good luck this afternoon.

Al said...

No sale. I already have enough experience dealing with the mentally impared.

This afternoon will be a piece of cake. Get off work early, get some validation, go out to lunch and do some shopping at Redmond Town Center.

Did I mention today is payday?

Life is good.

Daphnewood said...

do you call them head shrinkers to their faces? I would LOVE to see that. People with PhD's get uptight when not given the 'proper' respect so I love to rile them. I had this one professor that practically insisted we call him "Dr. ___" because he had the fancy PhD at the end of his name. So, me being the obnoxious sort that I am, made sure I ALWAYS called him "Prof. ___" It wasn't disrespecting his title but it also wasn't giving him that status he wanted. He didn't like me much.

payday is tomorrow in our house. Every other friday which is good and bad. Next month it is good because there are 3 fridays to get paid. It always seems to happen in December.

Al said...

Daphnewood: I am a little disrespectful og stuffed shirts, so I never addressed them by anything but their names. Pretty much they were all drafted, so they didn't much give a damn about rank and titles.

I have three paydays this month, Mrs A. has three in Dec. Pretty cool.