Tuesday, November 21, 2006


So I got no idea what the fu*k is going on. R. was supposed to get a truck and come over with the last of her stuff.

Supposedly her mom was suposed to rent a truck and get the last of her stuff to my house. No surprise, it didn't happen.

I am so sick and tired of trying so hard to make things happen when no one else even makes an effort.

The list goes on and on and on, but there is no payback.

I give up.


Daphnewood said...

Al, hang in there! I have a suggestion for future "favors". I would tell R. sure you can help but ONLY between the hours of so-and-so (whatever you prefer). If she can't get it together by then, then just be unavailable. That way you are showing her that you still want to help but your time is valuable too. Also, that prevents any loitering about for hours waiting for something to happen. It is just a thought.

Al said...

I have come to the same conclusion. Set a time, and if it isn't convenient for her, tough. I won't be jerked around any more.

Rick said...

The holidays are upon us. Expect R. to make herself scarce, even when promising to be somewhere on time. Classic addict-alcoholic-passive-aggressive behavior this time of year. Been there too often.

Al said...

R. called Mrs A. at work and wanted to have a conversation. She doesn't seem too understand that there is no undo button in life, and when you threaten someones life, a simple appology doesn't make up for it.