Friday, May 30, 2008

Dried Up

Where are all my creative juices? I just don't seemm capable of witty repartee' these days. No zingy one-liners, no funny stories.

Just another boring work-related blog.

One of the reasons I started this thig in the first place was as a journal, and I guess that is just where my life is right now. Work consumed.

I DID put aside some money towards a Strike Fund yesterday. Our union contract expires in December, and the Union (SPEEA) is making noises like it wants to put the fear of God into the Company, so I am hedging my bets. I'd like to have enough of a nest egg built up so we can survive without a paycheck for a couple of months. I figure about five grand will keep the roof over our head and groceries in the bin.

Then if there is no strike, we can take a trip. I am leaning towards a trip to China. One of my life goals is to walk on the Great Walll, and see The Forbidden City. I better get started, because you never know what might happen down the road.

Or maybe a cruise up the inland passage to Alaska.

Or Hawaii....

Or Costa Rica....

Or down to visit my Uncle Ben in Mexico.


rennratt said...

Here's hoping that the strike fund will be a trip fund instead!

Al said...

Renn: I am planning to have enough for two months, so if they only strike for a couple of weeks, I'll have enough left over.

sue said...

I'm with Ren...!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Did someone say Costa Rica? I heard that all the way down here in Florida! ;)

I know EXACTLY what you mean...I even blogged about it today...and had comments about how other bloggers are just tapped out. No creativity whatsoever.

Al said...

Sue: I'm hoping.....

PQ: I have a tentative connection in Costa Rica. The former lead guitarist with the band we crew for is buildiing condos down there. If we could hook up with him, it could be fun.....