Thursday, September 21, 2006

Brownies for breakfast

I was going to be good......



When I got in today, there were two things on the communal table. Salsa, and brownies.

Salsa is good for you. Lots of veggies and spices. No sugar. No carbs.

But we're talking brownies here. A 12'" X 18" slab of brownies.

Since no one else would step forward and cut the slab, I did the honors. The sheet was very firmly stuck to the cardboard, so on my second attempt to cut a square loose, I butchered it. We didn't have a spatula of any kind, so I was using a butter knife.

Well, I couldn't foist off a butchered brownie on someone else, could I. I mean I have standards.

So I had to destroy it.

So you see, it really wasn't my fault.


Rick said...

M-m-m-m... that salsa oughta be ripe for lunch.

Al said...

It makes for an anterresting contrast, brownies, then salsa.