Monday, July 21, 2008

Back on Track

It was sure nice to have a couple of days off. We went to the waterfront and Pike Place Market. We went to see the latest Indiana Jones movie. I worked in the yard some. I worked on Frankenhealey. I barbequed a roast. The weather was pretty much perfect. I got the Z out and took it for a spin.

A nice laid back mini-vacation.

I put the fenders on Frankenhealey. It is far enough along now that I can see getting it on the road this summer. Acutally, as soon as my jetting kit comes in, I can see replacing the jets, pumping up the spare tire and taking it for a spin. But I may just start it up and get it to run and moving it around under it's own power so I can check out a few things like brakes.

But now, here I am back at my old desk and it's like the last four months never existed.

But it's sure nice to be back.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Like slipping on an old shoe, isn't it? *sigh*


Al said...

PQ: Yeah, all too easy to slip into old habits.