Monday, January 05, 2009

Back To Work

I took off the two weeks at the end of December, and the second of January. When I originally did this, it was with the idea that I could spend some time just by myself. While it is a good thing that I took the time off, the whole time by myself thing didn't work out so well.
I had a total of four hours by myself.
I had to come back to work to rest up from the Holidays.
Take yesterday fr'instance. R and "i" and the sperm donor came by for a visit. It was good having them over, and it was a nice visit. Twenty minutes after they left the phone rings. They are in downtown Renton with a flat. No jack, no spare. It is pouring down snow, and the roads are treacherous. Dad to the rescue.
Go dig out a universal jack and a star wrench. Go dig out the HHR and hit the road. Jack up car, remove flat tire. Leave R and "i" with the car, go in search of gas station. Found one with an air station. Air up tire, and discover that there is a hole in the tire. The hole is at a location that already has a plug in it. Sperm donor bought the tires at a used tire place. They appear to be in practically new condition, except for the minor matter of a bad previous repair. A can of Fix-z-Flat, go back and install the repaired tire. Sperm donor offers me a snort off a bottle of brandy. I did not say "Hey, maybe instead of the bottle of brandy you should have bought a #$%^&*( jack." But the thought did cross my mind. I just told them that they needed to take care of business and go straight home, no screwing around, because I didn't know how long the temporary fix would last.
Did I mention that the roads were nasty? I travelled maybe three miles total, during which I saw multiple abandoned vehicles, a spun out bus, a spun out aid car, a spun out cop car, and an ambulance that was having a very difficult time getting up a mild slope.
Did I also mention that I do not have studded tires or four wheel drive?
By this morning the weather had warmed and the roads were mostly show free. At least snow free enough that I could not justify another day of vacation.

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