Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Five Hour Energy

I have tried several of the energy drinks. Red Bull, Sobe No Fear, Amp. First of all, being diabetic, there aren't a lot of choices. Most of them have massive amounts of sugar which rules them out.
I don't care for them because they are also based on a lot of caffeine, and I don't particularly like the wired feeling. Yeah, they will keep you awake, but I don't like the jumpy way they make you feel. Or the crash afterwards.
So far Five Hour Energy seems to work pretty well. But I only use a half of the little bottle at a time. It picks me up without making me feel wired. But I don't care what they say about no crash, there is always a debt to be payed. It is not a drool-in-the-keyboard crash, more a slower let down.
I find that if I take a half a bottle at lunch, it gets me through the afternoon,, but when I get home, I can still take a nap.


Sarah said...

I've always wondered why nap time was done away with after kindergarten. I would have payed better attention in school, and probably be more productive at work, if it were permissible to lay my head down and take a 30-minute snooze at some point during the day.

Al said...

Sarah: If I am given the opportunity, I take a quick nap at lunch time sometimes. It is a skill I learned in the Army which has served me well over the years. I can curl up anywhere, at any time and go out for a half hour. Always does the trick.