Thursday, January 15, 2009

Holy Dingleberries, Batman, It's Raining Fire!

I was sitting here, minding my own business, working away, when I caught a small flash out of the corner of my eye. By the time I turned my head, it was gone.
I swear I was not hallucinating at the time.
Then it happened again.
It was raining red, molten metal through the ceiling.
Right over one of the engineers. For some real reason he got real excitable.
They are doing some construction work on the roof of out office area which involves cutting and welding. When you are welding, little balls of molted metal fly and drip all over the place. They were rolling under a support beam and burning through the ceiling, and raining down into the office below.
Nothing like it raining fire in your office to generate a little excitement.
Yesterday, it was the GREAT POWER OUTAGE.
Around noon, all the power in our area suddenly went out. Since we all work on computers, this also became known as the great nap time. No lights, no power, no way to work even if you wanted to.
Ah, the smell of raining dingleberries in the morning!


Sarah said...

Raining fire?? I would have had someone's HEAD on a plate! Especially if the other option was light's out nap time!

Al said...

Sarah: When you live in and environment that is constant chaos, a little thing like raining dingleberries is just another bump in the road.

Rick said...

Aren't flaming dingleberries a sign of the Apocalypse? Along with frozen blue shit falling out of Boeing 737s?

Al said...

Rick: More a sign of the great SNAFU, I believe.

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I saw your comment on Renn's latest post and I wondered if you actually lived on the Haight? My biological mom lived there in the early 70s - and she's about your age (she'll be 59 in April). Anyway, I know it's a big place, but I thought wouldn't it be wild if you lived there and knew her or something? Sorry to be off topic, but I couldn't find an email addy for you. You can email me at eviltwinswife @ gmail (dot) com if you'd like. Have a great evening!

Al said...

ETW: I was there in the winter of '66 and summer of '67. Not much chance I met her.