Here is the portable theater that we used to present stuff all over the area.

The "Chain gang" digging footings for a new wall. We found scorpions, black widow spiders, and something the locals called "The face of the child" and assured us "Es Mortal!"

One of my favorite images.

Doing crafts with one of the kids

Making comcrete the old way. Sand, cement, rocks and water on the bare ground.

That's me with the white headband.

The crew

Water wars.

The kids absolutely LOVED the personal Mister/sprayer.

Our favorite place. Shaded, and there was always a breeze.

Building walls. The ambient temperature was 105 degrees, but it must have been 120 degrees between the walls.
More images to come!
Great pictures! Sounds like you got a lot accomplished....that is an awesome thing you're doing! :)
Thanks PQ. We are sponsoring one of the orpans. It was a very rewarding trip.
That's so nice! The PK and I have been sponsoring a little boy named Saminga (in Swaziland) for several years now....although he's not an orphan. We send money to help them build schools and get medical care and other things. We get pictures from him and a report card every once in a while on how he's doing at school and what his chores are and how his family is doing. (It's thru a company called "World Vision" which was first introduced to us thru a church we used to attend).
It's so nice you actually get to go and visit and work with your hands (although it could be a bit cooler for you, huh?:)
When we left Mexico, everyont was saying "It will be sooooo good to get back to the nice cool Seattle weather." Little did we know that Seattle was in the middle of a heat wave.
I hope to be able to go back next year, and see Claudia (she is three)
It looks like 105 degrees. hot hot hot but still very worthy cause. I have never been on a mission trip but have heard that it is life-altering. Do you feel that way? wonderful pictures
It sure makes you appreciate all the things you take for granted, like running water (that you can actually drink!) flush toilets, electricity at the touch of a switch, television, internet, computers.
For a week I was completely out of touch with what was happening in the world. When I got home and turned on the TV, I wanted to turn it back off and never turn it back on again.
Excellent, love it! » »
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