Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What Tangled web

Sometimes thing happen that are such a web of events that they just seem more than coincidental. One thing happens that causes another that causes another, and all the sudden, years later, an unexpected result comes of it that it seems there is a larger thing at work.

But I ramble. Something I am good at.

This starts quite some time ago.

My son was in the process of a trainwreck of a first marriage. I got a call, and he was being kicked out of the house by CPS. It seems his stepdaughter had accused him of peeking at her in the shower. She was 11, and hated him. I won't go into all the details or anything, but CPS in their normal heavy-handed manner decided he had to leave.

I let him move in here, knowing the allegations were probably false, but not denying something might have happened.

His first wife was a complete slob. I refused to go see my grandkids because the house was such a pig sty that I couldn't stand seeing them living like that. Instead, I babysat the kids at my house. I have wonderful memories of getting up on the weekend and sitting with them in a big chair, one on each side, drowsing in the morning sunshine while reading the Sunday funnies..

Because the house was unfit for human occupation, once my son was out of the house, they declared her an unfit mother.

By this time the girl had admitted that what she had said was not true, but it was too late. The kids had been taken by the State.

My son could not get custodey, so the kids were placed in Foster Care. I took V. Some very nice people took the two younger kids. The oldest, the daughter who started this series of events went to stay with her great grandparents. I did my best to make sure that everyone was safe and taken care of. No one else in the family seemed willing to step forward and do anything.

I tried to work with the oldest daughter, but she was totally out of control. Any time anyone tried to set limits for her, she went the other way.

She was pregnant at 14, put in a State House for kids, ran away, was taken back. I tried to get her what help she needed, but you can't help someone who won't be hepled.

Eventually we lost contact.

Some months ago she started calling here to try and get back in touch with V. By calling from an unlisted number, she eventually did. She is 18 now, employed, and engaged to be married.

We had her over, and let V. go spend the weekend with her, being very cautious the whole time.

When she was over, R. was here one time. They had stayed in some contact over the years, and since they both had troubled pasts, they hit it off.

She has memories of me being a "Kick ass" grandpa, and realized over the years I was just trying to do the best thing for her. When she bought a used car, she brought it over to me to check out. I told her it had a blown head gasket, and pointed out a couple of other things wrong with it.

She took it back to the lot with a "My grandpa says" attitude, and they agreed to fix it for free.

When she and R. got back together, she reccommended R. for a job where she worked. R. went in for an interview, and was hired.

Is it all just coincidence, or was there a larger thing at work? Bread cast upon the waters, does indeed return in time.

I don't live my life on the principal that my every attempted good deed will be rewarded, but it is fulfilling to know that some times, good comes from them.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I tell you what...karma works! I whole-heartedly believe what comes around, goes around. It may take time and you end up hinking "Well, THAT'S never going to happen!" but it does!


Al said...

I would have never guessed that things would turn around this way.


Rick said...

Yup. Impossible to predict, which is why we should stop predicting. Easy to say, harder to do.

Al said...


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Are you a Capricorn?

Just curious.....:)

Al said...

PQ: Nope. I am a cancer.

rennratt said...

I am glad that things are looking up!

This is proof that a tough go as a teenager doesn't always mean "damaged beyond repair".

Kids know when they are loved, even if they don't acknowledge it at the time.

Al said...

Renn: It sure can be tough making it through to the point when they are grown up. I always said if I got them to 18 with no irreversible damage, I would consider it a success.

Michael said...

Great story Al... it's nice to get positive feedback in life sometimes!

Al said...

Michael: When it happens, you got to put it in the permanent file, it happens so seldom.