Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday at last.

As you might figure from the dearth of postings lately, not a whole bunch has been going on.

I've been suffering from allergies, but you can only garner so much symapthy from snot.

Everything in Alville is proceeding along at a liesurely pace. The only disturbance to the force being that the Airstream is still waiting for us to come and get it as soon as the other guy comes up with the title.

After An Extraordinary Woman posted about the Ping Pong Balls of Retribution I was tempted to post a similar incident from my childhood, but I couldn't muster up the energy.

I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned this afternoon. Hopefully I will get the Dental Hygienist that didn't graduate from the Marquis de Sade school of dentistry.

The damn gas gives me a headache, or I would be happily floating down the road to oblivion.

Everyone have a great weekend, see you Monday, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.


Rick said...

I make them shoot me full of novocain, or whatever the modern-day equivalent is. It's their f*cking fault my teeth are so sensitive in the first place, owing to gum-lowering surgery 20 years ago.

Al said...

Rick: I know exactly what you are talking about. They did the last of four surgeries in January, and the teeth are still super sensitive. I wish the whoopee gas did it for me.

Michael said...

Just have a couple rum and cokes (and get a ride there and back) and all will be fine! ;-)

Al said...

Michael: For medical purposes only, of course.

An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

the only dentist not to graduate from the M de S academy of dentistry??? is there such a dentist?...hehe


Al said...

EW: If I find one, I will keep it VERY quiet, or he/she would be swamped

Al said...

Sneakin' in the back door.